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LBB provides services to individuals with vision loss and blindness within the
Florida Big Bend region 
from birth throughout the life span. Services include training in
orientation and mobility, assistive technology, vocational rehabilitation skills, and daily living skills.


Techno Demo Day 9-20-2024 Tallahassee State College Student Union Ballroom 9 to 5 LBB logo and TSC Tallahassee State College logo

 Please RSVP to Jeanette at 850-942-3658 Ext 116 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

COMS September (Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist) Saturday, September 28 10 am to Noon LBB 3071 Highland Oaks Terrace RSVP is required Space is limited RSVP by September 23rd to Jeanette at 850.942.3658 #216 or

Beginning Cooking Class September 5, 12, 19, 26, October 3 and 10 10 am to Noon Lighthouse of the Big Bend Space is limited RSVP required RSVP by September 3 to Jeanette at 850-942-3658 ext 220 or


Thank you to LBB's Paula Bailey Dining in the Dark
2024 Presenting Sponsor

TSC Tallahassee State College

______________________________________________________________________________LBB's Twenty20 Vision Aids store operates by appointment. Contact Jeanette to schedule an appointment at 850.942.3658 Ext 216