Executive Team

Tina Torrance MS
Chief Executive Officer
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850-942-3658 x215

Wayne Warner
Director of Adult Programs
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850-942-3658 x210

Jennifer Crowder TVI
Early Intervention Program Specialist
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850-942-3658 x202

Debara Jump
Chief Development Officer
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850-942-3658 x220


Charles Acheson CATIS
Assistive Technology Specialist
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850-942-3658 x222

Janet Acheson Ed.S. TVI
Program Specialist
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850-942-3658 x212

Jeffery Douglas MSW
Program Specialist
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850-942-3658 x208

Amy Grissom FCCN FCCM
Contracts & Operations Manager
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850-942-3658 x206

Cassandra Jessie VRT
Program Specialist
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850-942-3658 Ext 211

Jeanette Mercer
Program Manager
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850-942-3658 x216

Alex Otte
Program Specialist
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850-942-3658 x201

John Ryan
Assistive Technology Specialist
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850-942-3658 x222

Sharon Scherbarth Simmons TVI COMS
Children's Program Director
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Terrence Snider
Transition Program Director
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850-942-3658 x229